Reaper vs Pro Tools for Sound Design20240712151943

Reaper vs Pro Tools for Sound Design

To date myself, my audio journey began in 1999 with a dubiously obtained copy of Cool Edit Pro, which I used in high school to record and mix music. When I studied audio at Indiana University I learne...
Using a Stream Deck for Game Audio Production20180216030049

Using a Stream Deck for Game Audio Production

I recently purchased an Elgato Stream Deck in order to set up custom key commands to use with various parts of my workflow. In this post I’m going to show a few examples of what is possible with...
Reaper Quick Tip – Adjust Item Volume or Pitch with MouseWheel20170530223310

Reaper Quick Tip – Adjust Item Volume or Pitch with MouseWheel

Until recently, I didn’t know you could have a binary action that did two things within a single Reaper Action. I have always wanted to set up a Reaper mouse modifier for the mouse scroll wheel ...
Reaper Quick Tip – Creating New Tracks With Surrounding Folders20160329032431

Reaper Quick Tip – Creating New Tracks With Surrounding Folders

I’m going to start posting a series of short, more advanced Reaper tutorials geared towards game audio sound design workflows. The first involves automatically creating a group of new tracks wit...
Setting Up TouchOSC with Reaper20151201020543

Setting Up TouchOSC with Reaper

TouchOSC is a powerful app for the iPad or iPhone that lets you send and receive OSC messages over Wi-Fi to control audio applications. I’ve set it up with Reaper to create a custom control surf...